
Water soluble DREADD ligands: only available from Hello Bio

Water soluble DREADD ligands: only available from Hello Bio

DREADDs are an increasingly popular field, but the pharmacological tools and ligands available have not been readily water soluble. Researchers have had to use DMSO or ethanol to solubilise them - which is not ideal for studies in biological systems. Our team of chemists have been hard at work to manufacture a range of DREADD ligands that are water soluble - many of which are only available from Hello Bio. They've been reviewed and rated by researchers too - find out more...

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg

Interviews with Scientists: Dr Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg

Dr Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg is a Junior Research Fellow at Homerton College, and postdoctoral researcher at the Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute at the University of Cambridge in the UK. She’s currently working on understanding the role of white matter dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. Find out what she had to say...

Travel Award Winner Laura Kervezee

Travel Award Winner Laura Kervezee

Our December travel award winner is Laura Kervezee, a researcher working at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute at McGill University, USA in Diane Boivin’s Lab. Find out about her win...

Interviews with Scientists: Adriana Humanes

Interviews with Scientists: Adriana Humanes

When we asked Twitter whether any scientists would like to be interviewed about their work, we were excited when Adriana Humanes got in touch as we were so interested to hear more about both her research and her advocacy work for gender equality in STEM. Find out what she had to say...

Interviews with Scientists: Dr. Chinmaya Sadangi

Interviews with Scientists: Dr. Chinmaya Sadangi

We’ve followed Dr. Chinmaya Sadangi on Twitter (@addictivebrain) for a while now, and it was our pleasure to interview him for our Interviews with Scientists series! Read his interview...

Views: 12454
Interviews with Scientists: Brittany Berdy

Interviews with Scientists: Brittany Berdy

We first “met” Brittany on Twitter while we were perusing the #LabLife hashtag, and we loved her tweets from the lab so much that we invited her to speak to us for our Interviews with Scientists series. And we’re delighted that she said yes! Find out what she had to say...

Surviving a Bomb Cyclone: Tales from the US Office

Surviving a Bomb Cyclone: Tales from the US Office

Our Head of US Operations Paula Klockner had a difficult day in the office...find out what happened, and get a glimpse of how dedicated the Hello Bio team really is!

Top Ten Science News Accounts to Follow on Twitter

Top Ten Science News Accounts to Follow on Twitter

Are you an avid science news reader like us? If you’re reading this, of course you are! We’ve put together a Science News list of all our favourite accounts, which you can subscribe to here, and in this post we’ve rounded up our ten favourite accounts.

Views: 45395
Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards Runner-Up: Pinggan Li

Meet Our Lab Heroes Awards Runner-Up: Pinggan Li

Time to meet our second runner-up in the Lab Heroes Awards 2017! Of the many brilliant awards entries we received, our Scientific Advisory Board felt that Pinggan Li’s nomination really stood out...

Travel Award Winner Jennifer Martin

Travel Award Winner Jennifer Martin

Our November travel award winner is Jennifer Martin, a PhD student working in David Dietz’s Lab at SUNY at Buffalo. Find out about her win...