Hello Bio offers research products, biochemicals and reagents, at prices around 50% less than other suppliers. With a manufacturing facility in Europe, our expert chemists can guarantee the quality of our products, which are typically >98% pure (by HPLC).
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PBS buffer with Tween 20 (20x) (HB8088)
Description:20x wash buffer for use during immunolabeling techniques such as IHC.
TBS-T with Tween 20 (20x) (HB6971)
Description:20x Tris Buffered Saline wash buffer to remove non-specific binding and for use during immunolabeling techniques such as IHC.
aCSF Instant Powder (packets) (HB9200)
Description:Preformulated instant powder packets to make artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)
Antibody penetration buffer (HB9812)
Description:Increases antibody penetration into thick tissue sections or organoids for IHC and immunostaining
Native lysis buffer (1x) pH 7.0 (HB4628)
Description:Ready to use cell lysis and protein solubilization buffer
TBS (25x) (pH 7.4) (HB7121)
Description:Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) wash buffer to remove non-specific binding.