Sucrose aCSF Instant Powder (packets)

Technical documents: Datasheet

Product overview

Name Sucrose aCSF Instant Powder (packets)
Biological description

Sucrose artificial cerebrospinal fluid (sucrose - aCSF) is a widely used buffer as a protective cutting solution when making acute ex-vivo brain slices for electrophysiology experiments. This kit contains 10 instant powder packets. Simply add each packet to 1L of dH2O, mix and bubble with carbogen to make 1L of sucrose aCSF at physiological pH.


Key features:

  • Save time by using preformulated individual aCSF powder packets - each packet dissolves in seconds and there's no need to add Mg2+ or Ca2+
  • More reproducible with each pack's highly accurate formulation - less error for better data.

Contains (in mM): Sucrose 65, NaCl 85, Glucose 10, NaHCO3 25, KCl 2.5, NaH2PO4 1.25, CaCl2 0.5, MgCl2 7


Preformulated instant powder packets to make sucrose artificial cerebrospinal fluid (sucrose - aCSF)

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Solubility & Handling

Storage instructions

RT. Add each packet to 1L dH2O.


Add the contents of each packet to 1000ml of deionised water, mix well and bubble with carbogen (10-15 minutes) to make 1L of sucrose aCSF at physiological pH.

Use immediately once opened.

Important This product is for RESEARCH USE ONLY and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic use. Not for human or veterinary use



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Chemical Data

Kit contents

Preformulated packets. Each makes 1L of sucrose - aCSF.

References for Sucrose aCSF Instant Powder (packets)

References are publications that support the biological activity of the product
  • Repeated whole-cell patch-clamp recording from CA1 pyramidal cells in rodent hippocampal slices followed by axon initial segment labeling.

    Oliveira LS et al (2021) STAR protocols 2 : 100336
  • Acute brain slice methods for adult and aging animals: application of targeted patch clamp analysis and optogenetics.

    Ting JT et al (2014) Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1183 : 221-42
  • Reduced long-term potentiation in hippocampal slices prepared using sucrose-based artificial cerebrospinal fluid.

    Kuenzi FM et al (2000) Journal of neuroscience methods 100 : 117-22

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