Peptide Receptors


Peptide receptors are G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are activated by protein or peptide ligands. Endogenous peptide receptor ligands bind to the N' terminus and/or the 3 extracellular loops of the receptor. Researchers can save up to 50% on peptide receptor agonists and peptide receptor antagonists from Hello Bio - they are up to half the price of other suppliers.

View products: AdipoR | Angiotensin | Cholecystokinin (CCK)  | EndothelinFormyl peptide | Glucagon and related | Ghrelin | Mas-Related G Protein-Coupled Receptors (MRGPRS) | Motlin | Neuropeptide S (NPSR) | Neuropeptide Y (NPY) | Orexin | Oxytocin | Protease-Activated Receptors (PAR) | Somatostatin (SST) | Tachykinin

Related: Cell Metabolism | Amyloid β | Bioactive Metabolites

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