Sandra Ramos Júdez is nominated in the Lab Heroes Awards - TM

Sandra Ramos Júdez, Fish Reproduction, S2AQUAcoLAB, Portugal

08 Dec 2023
Sandra Ramos Júdez, Fish Reproduction, S2AQUAcoLAB, Portugal

"Ask anyone, they will tell you Dra. Sandra Ramos Júdez is a joyful person, always ready to lend a hand. She came to Portugal looking for a place that feels like home and lets her keep doing science. Seeing her in the lab, collaborating with us, really boosts the vibe. However, she is not just all smiles; she is incredibly dedicated and committed, showing a stubborn determination to make things work. She is also characterized by her patience and problem-solving abilities. I am amazed by the number of techniques she has learned and applied throughout her relatively young scientific career. Her expertise spans physiology, bioinformatics, transcriptomics, histology, fatty acids and gamete quality analyses, cryopreservation— all before hitting 30. No doubt, she deserves that Lab Hero title, and I bet she will put any prize to good use!"

Nominated by Alexandros Tsakogiannis, Aquagroup, CCMAR, Portugal