Welcome to the Lab Heroes Awards™ 2023

Entry for the Lab Heroes Awards™ 2023 is now closed. Winners will be announced soon!


Now is your chance to give back to the lab colleagues who make a real difference to you every day, whether they put in extra effort in the lab, are always supportive or they just make the lab a great place to work!  

Nominations are open until 23:59 on 8th December 2023.

  • Three winners of the Lab Heroes Awards™ 2023 will each receive $1000 Hello Bio vouchers, plus a $1000 career development grant, and publicity for the winners and their labs.
  • Runners up will receive a Hello Bio goody bag!
  • Find out more about the Lab Heroes Awards™
  • Read the Terms & Conditions
  • Once the awards are open, you will be able to see who's been nominated on the Lab Heroes Gallery