Johan Van Audekerke is nominated in the Lab Heroes Awards - TM

Johan Van Audekerke, Johan van Audekerke, Bio-Imaging Lab, Belgium

15 Nov 2023
Johan Van Audekerke, Johan van Audekerke, Bio-Imaging Lab, Belgium

"Besides his invaluable technical (MRI) support, he is the beating heart of the Bio-imaging Lab. He is always trying to bring a smile to all PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and even the professors. He makes sure that we (researchers) don't forget to have fun, during our experiments. Moreover, if there are any technical problems, we can always contact him (no matter the day/hour). He creates a friendly and warm environment, where science can thrive, and where the researchers have a smile on their face."

Nominated by Monica van den Berg, Bio-imaging Lab, University of Antwerp, Belgium