Gudrun Dittrich-Schroder is nominated in the Lab Heroes Awards - TM

Gudrun Dittrich-Schroder, Hearne Lab/ Zoology and Entomology, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, South Africa

04 Dec 2023
Gudrun Dittrich-Schroder, Hearne Lab/ Zoology and Entomology, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, South Africa

"Gudrun is a very dedicated and approachable researcher. She is the main person to ask for any CRISPR-related questions or general science-based questions. She is often not recognized for her contributions in the lab. Although very busy, she always takes time to assist when asked a question and helps with a smile. She contributed to a positive experience in the lab."

Nominated by Sumari Venter, Hearne Lab/BGM, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, South Africa


"My heart swells with pride and gratefulness for the privilege I have to know Gudrun Dittrich-Schröder. If the labs of the world all had a Gudrun, it would be a well-oiled machine. Her enthusiasm and passion for research are infectious and have inspired the hearts and minds of young researchers. Despite having just two arms, she has picked up so many disheartened scientists along the way and nurtured their disappointments into fertile ground where seeds of hope sprouted (with the help of a magical box of tissues she keeps in her bottom office drawer). Gudrun is one of those people who will always show up and lend a helping hand, even when her hands are already full. When science gives her lemons, she makes sweet lemonade and humbly shares it with the people around her. I know this will sound like a cliché, but I have to say it, she is the best supervisor ever and the best I will ever know. She has been my mentor, my life coach, therapist, and mother-away-from-home. She is my hero. The lab is her ‘Batcave’ and a lab coat is her cape, and she will always be there when you need saving. Therefore, I would like to nominate Gudrun to receive this award to give her hope, like she has given to so many others, and that she may help the next person who needs a hero."

Nominated by Elmarie van der Merwe, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, University of Pretoria, South Africa