Georges Zadigue is nominated in the Lab Heroes Awards - TM

Georges Zadigue, UMRS1138, Inserm, France

20 Nov 2023
Georges Zadigue, UMRS1138, Inserm, France

"He is always ready to help even when he is busy himself. He always has a smile and liberates good vibes."

Nominated by Emilie Picard, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers UMRS1138 Team Behar-Cohen, Inserm, France


"Georges is a most dedicated person, always ready to take part to mutual tasks and to help whenever possible."

Nominated by Sophie Mouillet-Richard, INSERM, France


"Exceptional engineer with outsanding human qualities."

Nominated by Sylvie Babajko, Inserm, France


"His help and supervision have helped and continue to help all people involved in in vivo experiments within our research center. He managed to solve many complicated situations including bomb alerts, power cuts and other high demanding-problems."

Nominated by Andrea Checcoli, UMRS 1138 - Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers - Metabolism, Cancer and Immunity (team 11), France


"Georges is a very engaged person and in the case of an alarming  or urgent situation, is always first to volunteer."

Nominated by Chiara Maiuri, UMRS1138, Inserm, France


"For all he does for animals and users, a helpful and friendly person."

Nominated by Angelique Gougelet, Centre de recherche des cordeliers, France


"Georges is dedicated to his work and to his colleagues. Even-tempered, he's always ready to help out with kindness. His scientific and technical skills are second to none. He is also a great teacher and enjoys interacting with young people. Last but not least, he dresses in style!"

Nominated by Christèle Desbois-Mouthon, INSERM, France


"Georges is a fantastic technician, who is taking good care of our animals and assures their well being. We had a bomb alert in our institute (fortunately it turned out to be a false one), and when we were all evacuated, he remained with the police team, risking his life, to make sure that the animals were safe. He is our hero!"

Nominated by Lubka Roumenina, INSERM UMRS1138 Cordeliers Research Center, France


"You are the best!!!"

Nominated by Solenne Marmier, Eq13, CRC, France