Dimitri Dumontier is nominated in the Lab Heroes Awards - TM

Dimitri Dumontier, Pouchelon Lab / Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), United States

16 Nov 2023
Dimitri Dumontier, Pouchelon Lab / Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), United States

"Dimitri is a postdoctoral fellow in Neuroscience and works on the effect of the environment on brain wiring during development and he is our lab hero! He has kicked off slice electrophysiology in the lab, uses chemogenetics and makes beautiful thalamocortical slices at any developmental stage! Dimitri is a passionate scientist with amazing work ethics. He is not only reliable, meticulous and hardworking, but also a great team player. He is always happy to take time to share his knowledge. For all these reasons, Dimitri is our lab hero and I believe strongly deserves the Lab Heroes Award."

Nominated by Gabrielle Pouchelon, Pouchelon Lab / Neuroscience, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), United States