Support Ukrainian Scientists - a Letter from our Managing Director
Dear Colleagues, Customers and Friends,
I have been made aware of some initiatives to support scientists in Ukraine and I hope you will not mind me sharing it with you in these dark times.
EMBO Solidarity List
EMBO has launched a list of scientists across Europe and beyond who are able to offer assistance to scientists forced to leave Ukraine. An example could be the provision of laboratory or office workplaces, accommodation or help in arranging further contacts. Find out more at EMBO
#ScienceForUkraine has been set up by a volunteer group to find new research opportunities for Ukrainian scientists who have had to leave their country. You can find out more about the background to the initiative here.
Liasing with their country coordinator, institutions can post vacancies prioritising Ukrainian applicants for the positions, and there is also a chance to offer temporary accommodation for them too.
The website is still being set up, but some useful links are here:
Words can't come close to expressing the true horror of world events right now, but we send our thoughts, support and solidarity to everyone in Ukraine.
Steve Roome,
Managing Director, Hello Bio