Gavin Stewart | Lab Heroes Awards 2018 Nominee

Gavin Stewart, UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin, Ireland

28 Nov 2018
Gavin Stewart

Gavin Stewart"Gavin’s simply the best. He’s made my experience of college enjoyable and exciting, but on a more fundamental level kept me here when I’ve faltered countless times. His words of encouragement, sharing of experiences, and opinions on challenges I face that he’s already been through have helped me countless times, and I know they’ve helped innumerable others. He has a special role within the school – Head of Teaching and Learning – which he takes incredibly seriously. He strives constantly to improve everything he can for students and staff alike, which takes a lot of perseverance to see through as he’s sometimes met with differences of opinion. Older students have told me how he can make even the most boring, excruciatingly difficult techniques interesting – such as his beloved Western Blots – and now that they’re in different labs doing the same technique they wish they had such an excited and enthusiastic mentor as him to help them again. Students younger than me also sing his praises, describing him as “so understanding”. My goal in life is to raise an army of Gavin Stewart adorers (which seems to be working given a younger student said she wants a “petition for Gavin to adopt all incoming science students”), which is why I want to further raise his profile. Not only do students appreciate him, other staff members do too. One staff member commented that “there’s no point comparing any other Head of Teaching and Learning to Gavin, he’s just too good”. He’s the most approachable staff member I’ve come across in my four years (which comes back to bite him in how much time he spends talking to me and sorting out my problems). He really listens, actually cares and wants to improve issues I bring to him and those I encourage others to bring to him. I’m very conscious of the extra work this puts on him – he still has to lecture, mentor his post- and undergraduate research students, attend meetings, and do countless other things plus the additional stress I place upon him. That’s why I want to give thanks – he says he’s just doing his job, but he does his job above and beyond what’s asked of him and I’d love that to be recognised. He’s a brilliant lecturer, mentor, colleague, example, teacher, inspiration, and above all else person."

Nominated by Jess Walsh, Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Lab, University College Dublin, Ireland


Who's your Lab Hero? Nominate them here. 

Nominations close 30th November 2018. T&Cs apply.