Raquel Campos is nominated in the Lab Heroes Awards - TM

Raquel Campos, Comparative Developmental Neurobiology, UFRJ, Brazil

29 Nov 2022
Raquel Campos, Comparative Developmental Neurobiology, UFRJ, Brazil

"She is a dedicated researcher and proactive in terms of thinking, planning and carrying out different stages of research."

Nominated by Clynton Correa, GEDOPA, UFRJ, Brazil


"Best post-doc ever!"

Nominated by Leandro Matos, Neurobiologia Comparativa de do Desenvolvimento, IBCCF - UFRJ, Brazil


"Raquel is very motivated and encourages other researchers around her. In addition to practicing science of excellence."

Nominated by Danillo Dantas, Laboratório de Neurobiologia Comparativa e do Desenvolvimento do Desenvolvimento, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Raquel is a very trustworthy, kind and reliable partner to have in a lab. During the periods we work together, she has always shown love for scientific discussion and willingness to teach and boost everyone's spirit in the research environment. Besides, great part of our needs as a research group are filled by her attention to detail, problem-solving skills and enthusiasm. Therefore, I cannot think about anyone else more deserving of this award."

Nominated by Andrey Fabiano Lourenço de Aguiar, Laboratory of Neurochemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"She is very smart, well-prepared, and her work is very relevant to neuroscience."

Nominated by Silvana Allodi, Laboratório de Neurobiologia Comparativa e do Desenvolvimento, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Raquel is dedicated and intelligent, an excellent postdoc."

Nominated by Carla Andreia Abreu, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Raquel is an extremely dedicated researcher and does everything with passion and commitment. She has been contributing a lot to neuroscience research in Brazil. Furthermore, she inspires me to persist on my goals and in a science career."

Nominated by Deborah da Costa Rodrigues, Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Raquel is a post-doc with several super powers, a true lab hero!"

Nominated by Pedro Pimentel-Coelho, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Dr Raquel Maria Campos is one of the best researchers that I've ever met. Besides being brilliant at her research area, she can still talk and help others in any experiment or just discuss science with them. She always encourages her colleagues to pursue their goals and believes in each of them. Dr Campos is a natural leader, and really worries about science, contributing with proactivity and persistence."

Nominated by Isabela Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


"Raquel should win the award because she is an excellent professional, completely committed to mentoring students and various projects. I'm lucky to work with someone as dedicated and intelligent as Raquel."

Nominated by Luciana Conde, Laboratório de Neuropatologia Experimental, UFRJ, Brazil


"Raquel was my supervisor for a few months and I loved working with her. She is very patient at explaining the lab routune and experiments."

Nominated by Carolina Campos, UFRJ, Brazil


"Raquel Campos is the person I want to be when I grow up! Throughout the years, I've been closely following Raquel's work and witnessed her becoming the incredible researcher she is today. Lucky are the people that have the honor to be her friend and labmate, for she is the most intelligent, organized, efficient, insightful person I know, not to mention her ability to help anyone solve any problem presented to her. I believe she is one of those people who are capable of making everything possible, and turns science into a piece of art. Seeing her grow up into this one of a kind researcher has been an example of how some people are just born for greatness and leadership, all wrapped up with her grace and empathy. She is a reference for everyone that works with her, and I believe that everyone should have a Raquel in their life! If you’re in doubt about how to proceed, just ask those four words, “What would Raquel do?”. I’m sure you’ll find the answer to your problem."

Nominated by Yolanda Paes Colli, Laboratório de Neuroquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Raquel is a wonderful scientist. In addition, she has a unique ability to organize time, coordinate a team of students, showing herself to be a born leader (without leaving aside the quality of science)."

Nominated by Bruna Klippel Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Raquel is a passionate scientist, extremely dedicated and competent. Her dedication inspires everyone around her, being an example of a researcher for everyone in the laboratory. I'm very lucky to know Raquel and work with her throughout almost six years. She is perfect!"

Nominated by Alinny Isaac, Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


"Because she is an engaged researcher and dedicated to helping people with their discoveries!"

Nominated by Ana Nunciato, Uniara, Brazil